Eliminate Tough Dental Stains with Teeth Whitening

Eliminate Tough Dental Stains with Teeth Whitening

One of the most economical and effective dental makeovers is readily available. Topical stains from beverage, food, and lifestyle choices can be difficult to remove. But many of those stubborn dental stains can now be eliminated withteeth whitening.

Your cosmetic dentist will fabricate a custom designed tray for use at home that can produce a dazzling smile that is cost effective and easy to use. In your own desired time frame and the privacy of home you can eliminate:

Your cosmetic dentist will fabricate a custom designed tray for use at home that can produce a dazzling smile that is cost effective and easy to use. In your own desired time frame and the privacy of home you can eliminate:

  1. Stains from coffee, tea, red wine and other dark beverages like colas.
  2. Stains from different foods – Berries, tomatoes, and other foods that are brightly colored have the potential to stain your teeth. Foods that are highly acidic can soften the enamel that ordinarily protects your teeth allowing pigmentation from the foods eaten to penetrate.
  3. Yellowing discoloration from smoking and tobacco use – We all know that using tobacco is hazardous to our health, but it also turns teeth yellow and causes bad breath.
  4. Stains from medicinal products – Some of these stains may be intrinsic making them extremely difficult to treat, but whitening may lighten them.

Anything you consume that is dark in color has the capability to stain your teeth. Chew a piece of grape gum and see what color your teeth and tongue become; virtually anything that you chew or eat that is colorful has the potential to turn your white teeth into whatever color it is … but there are a couple of tricks that will help keep teeth their brightest:

  1. Drink cold beverages with a straw. The liquid will bypass most of your teeth. However, do not attempt to drink hot beverages with a straw … you will run the risk of burning your mouth and throat.
  2. Do not allow beverages and foods to linger in your mouth longer than necessary. Yes, that vintage red wine may be sweet to your palate, but swishing it around in your mouth is promoting teeth staining.
  3. Brush your teeth as soon as you can after consuming these staining offenders … and if you can’t brush, at least rinse your mouth with water.

These tips plus regular visits to any of our dentists for a thorough cleaning will keep teeth bright and white. But if your smile gets a little drab or fades, you already have the tools to perk it up again.

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