Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth

Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth

There is a bountiful supply of beverages available when you walk down aisles of the grocery store. Every age bracket is covered from juices/milk/formula for your infant; juice and “healthy” beverages in boxes, bottles, and cans for children and teens; and every flavor imaginable of soda aimed at people of all ages. However, soda has been proven to be detrimental to dental health as well as overall health … your dentist will attest to the damage soda can wreak on your dentition.

The primary harmful effects resulting from soda consumption vary from patient to patient. The amount you consume, how you drink it, and how you manage your dental care can produce different results.

Soda (or pop) contains sugar (the diet version contains a sugar substitute), phosphoric acid, flavorings, and carbonated water (not necessarily in that order) along with other contents to protect taste, etc. Some people drink them for a caffeine boost as well.

The sugar in soda literally clings to the bacteria already present on your teeth. Over time and with regular consumption, bacteria can produce acids that permeate the protective enamel covering on teeth with the result being dental decay. The phosphoric acid adds to the damage already being done by sugar.

There are steps you can take to help safeguard your teeth, such as enjoying a soda on a limited basis. On special occasions or a hot day, you can still enjoy your favorite beverage. Daily consumption is where problems can occur.

Drink your soda through a straw. This allows much of the beverage to bypass your teeth. Rinse your teeth with water after drinking. Do not brush right away as the acids in the soda have weakened dental enamel; brushing can be more harmful at this point.

Most people know that coffee, tea, and red wine can produce dental stain … but cola has a similar effect on teeth. Regular consumption can result in dull, drab, and stained dentition.

In addition to limiting consumption, you can promote good dental health by brushing twice every day with a fluoridated toothpaste; flossing your teeth daily; and visit your dentist or a dental clinic regularly for a thorough cleaning and dental exam.

Decay prevention starts with the individual … be proactive with your daily oral hygiene care and limit consumption of products you know can bring harm to your dental health. To get more tips, contact our office today at (972) 218-0078!

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