Professional Teeth Whitening For the Toughest Stains

Professional Teeth Whitening For the Toughest Stains

Dental stain and discoloration can mar your appearance. Teeth whitening is an excellent and economical way to keep tough dental stains in check giving you a smile makeover you can easily complete in the privacy of your own home.

Acquiring teeth whitening products from your cosmetic dentist has many advantages over kits or strips available online or at your local store.

Customization – A visit with your dentist will outline the ideal way for you to whiten your teeth. You will receive custom fitted whitening trays and a program designed with you specifically in mind.

Tested Products – Acquiring whitening products from a dental professional provides you with the assurance that you are receiving a tested and approved quality product. If you buy trays, blue lights, strips, rinses, or pastes from anyone other than your dental professional, you could be wasting your hard earned dollars on a fad or worse yet, a dangerous treatment.

Guidance – Whitening at home can lead to questions or concerns … if you receive professional teeth whitening supplied by your dentist, you have a resource that can address your questions allowing you to have confidence in the whitening program you selected.

There are different things you can do to make the most out of your teeth whitening experience … knowing the things that result in stain will allow you to make good decisions regarding their consumption.

Coffee, tea, cola, and red wine are the primary culprits in the beverage department. Cold drinks can be consumed using a straw to allow limited access to dentition as rinsing or brushing following consumption is not always possible.

Many berries, tomato based and dark sauces, and foods containing bright dyes are just some of the problematic solid foods that stain teeth.

Smoking and tobacco use can stain and discolor teeth. You can give your overall health a boost as well as your oral health with abstinence.

Some medications can result in teeth stain – your dentist may be able to identify which medications are involved and find substitutes that will provide a different result.

Brushing twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste; flossing daily; and twice yearly visits with your dentist for cleaning and exam will keep teeth looking and feeling their best; whitening can brighten your smile with long lasting results; touch-ups are available as needed to maintain your new smile makeover.

To schedule your teeth whitening consultation, contact our team at Richardson Dentistry today.

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We look forward to meeting you. Please call (972) 690-8617 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.